Gorm Winther


Ph.D., Retired professor, Project Manager, Writer, Consultant.

Short CV:


1990: Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University (Dissertation: Theoretical and Comparative Analysis of Decentralized and Democratic Decision Processes. Theories and empirical analysis on development and planning, Greenland in the post-war period of 1950-1988. Comparative Economic Systems and The Labor-managed Economy.

1984: Research Education, Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, Program on Participation and Labor-managed Systems, Dept. of Economics.

1981: Post-graduate Diploma course at the Inter-university Centre of Post-graduate Studies in Dubrovnik. (Employee Participation, workers' self-management, and self-government).

1982: M.A. in economics, cand. oecon (Thesis: The Labor-managed Economy – Theory and Yugoslav Experiences' (Aalborg University Press in 1982).

Professional positions held

2021: Project Leader and Consultant of the SEPA project (Human Security, Models of Codetermination, and Arctic Peoples Participation in Decision-making).

2020-2022: Professor (em): Aalborg University Business School.

2007 – 10: International Polar Year Professor and project leader of the POENOR international consortium (Political Economy of Northern Regional Development).

2007: Professor At the Department of Planning at Aalborg University.

2002 – 2005: Consultant to the Greenland Home Rule Government, the municipalities of Nanortalik and Narsaq in Southern Greenland, the Municipality of Qasigiaanguit in Northern Greenland, Tele Greenland Inc., The Greenland Employers Association, The Greenland TUC, the Canadian Mining company' Crew Corporation' and the North Atlantic group (Greenland, the Faroe Islands) in the Danish Parliament.

2007: Participant in an international expert group, Arctic Economies and Livelihoods, building a curriculum for internet-based learning at Finland's University of the Arctic.

2005: Chairman of the working group on Sustainable and Economic Development under ICARP II organized by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC).

2000: Project Leader affiliated with the Greenland part of the Power and Democracy project in Denmark (magtudredningen).

2000 – 2001: Participant in the Committee for Development and Economy under the Greenland Self-government Commission.

2000: Participant of the Greenland ministerial fact-finding mission headed by the Greenland Home Rule minister Jørgen Wæver Johansen to New Foundland, Ottawa, Montreal, and Iqaluit in Nunavut.

1999: Professor in Economics and Politics at the Ilimatusarfik (Greenland University)

1999: Chairman of the Greenland Competition Committee (control of abuse of dominant positions in markets, i.e., monopolies, cartels, and oligopolies in Greenland).

1999: Participant in the "Association of European Universities" (CRE) international curriculum expert panel in economics regarding rebuilding the Bosnian and Croatian universities.

1998: Appointed to European Federation of Employee Share Ownerships Honorary committee and from 1998 – 2016 board member.

1997: Participated in the expert panel established by the Greenland Home Rule Bureau of Minerals to assess the socio-economic consequences of increased gas and oil exploitation in Greenland.

1994: Fulbright Visiting Scholar to the Washington State Dept. Of Community Development (Employee Owned Companies in Washington State)

1992 – 1999: Associate professor in Economics, Aalborg University

1987 – 1999: Course Director and resource person at Inter-university Centre of Post Graduate Studies, Dubrovnik (Courses in Economy and Democracy, Social rights and Work Organizations, and Participation and workers self-management)

1990-91: American Council of Learned Societies Scholar, visiting researcher at Cornell University, Program on Participation and Labor-managed Systems, Dept. of Economics (Employee Owned Companies in New York State).

1988 – 1992: Assistant Professor in Economics at the Copenhagen Business School.

1982 – 1988: Assistant professor and Ph.D. stipend at Aalborg University (Planning and Development in Greenland, participation and Cooperative Societies in Greenland).